Are Cardio and Aerobics Same ?
Cardio means cardiovascular activities which maybe relate with many cardiovascular conditioning exercises and many includes aerobic exercises simulataneously. Altough cardio and aerobic exercises refers various aspects of the exercises(same exercises lots of time), it can be said that these exercises lots of time includes simultaneously same exercises. Cardio means the cardiovascular exercise and aerobic means the exercises aspect with the respiration of the oxygen. Cardio means the processes relate dwith heart and Aerobic refers to aspects of exercises related with using oxygens.
Here’s the some cardio exercises that you can happily:
It is good.
It is easy to do
Also note that:
It is important to run in safe places
And wear visibly luminious and shiny, phosporus clothes at night runnings so vehicles and others may see you easily and it is good for your and others safety.
Running is a good way of exercising without stressing your body too much.
It is good for cardiovascular health, your overall body and mind condition. It good for strengthen and balance your body.
It is also effective for your legs, abs(abdominal muscles) and stabilizor muscles.
If you feel tired you can give some breaks. Also don’t forget it is very important to breath regularly while you’re running.
Also you can do it both indoor and outdoor
Also another alternatives for a this kind of cardio exercises, you can do it with both high efforts and low efforts.
You can do it from walking to jogging and to the running in a largely diversified scale. Walking, running and jogging in healthy paces, would be good for boosting your cardiovascular and aerobic capacities. To pump the blood and oxygen all around your body and it may offer some advantages to your body renew itself and to improve your energy levels.
Do your exercise without stressing with your body. Slowly run and you can keep it longer. This would be good and healthy and you can do slow runnings without tire and lie heavy on your heart.
Slow but regular and well balanced exercises may offer lots of health and conditional benefits than you guess.
If you feel tired give a break, drink a little bit of water and always keep breathing during your exercise for your cardiovascular health and safety.
So let’s exercise today peacefully and in a relaxation.
It is really very good of way of relaxing and improve your condition. It is a very essential exercise for actively resting.
It is very good for your aerobic capacity and for your cardio capacity.
It bilaterally activates your body at the same time and this is also good for you body coordination, also it activates and stimulates right and left lobes of brain consequtively and simultaneously and this is also a factor that maybe good for contributions to relaxation of your mind and your loved ones mind.
Here’s a tip. If you have pets or a child you can maket his activity together with them they would be enjoy it. However, be careful If you swim in a pool, some chemicals in pool maybe risky for in case of swallowing. Or If it is an indoor pool be careful, in case of too much high temperatures and/or too much stem there may be lots of risks so be careful If you swim together with your pet, baby yor little children.
Also If you swim alone as only person in pool or in a secluded area, try to swim together with someone or in a place there are other people for your safety in case of a risk or some unexpected issues.
Please note that swimming is a totally healthy and safe exercise but also there is nothing wrong to take some precautions for your safety.
It is totally good for your health, body, mind, flexibility. It may also be good for rehabiliting some little injuries and some health issues as asthyma or arthritis
You can do it both outdoor and indoor as swimmig too. It would be nice to take some little trips and it would be both some exercise and relaxing activity. It is one of the best cardio and aerobic exercises.
It maybe good for your balance, strength of your muscles and as an endurance and body conditioning activity.
Note that:
If you cycle at nights or near hours to evenings or early mornings which air may be still dark please be careful with wearing luminuous clothes and try to cycle away from car traffics.
Also we suggest you to never ignore wearing helmets and knee, elbow protectors. Health is a very important issue and sometimes it is hard to have back somethings you loss it so against any kind of unexpected issues and injuries, take your precaution and totally comfortably enjoy the activity that you do.
No need for anxiety but taking precautions would be very good also.
All these exercises are an example for cardio and aerobic workouts. You can choose more activities for your cardio and aerobic workouts. Swimming, running/jogging/walking, cycling are just some examples of these workouts. Indoor and cardio activities, boxing, muaythai, some martial arts exercises, swimming, waterball, watersports, walking, handball, tennis, dance, soccer, paddling, sailing, rowing and some other lots of sports and activities may be seen as some other good examples of cardio and aerobic workouts. These exercises are may be good for your health and fitness conditions.
You can diversify these activities and combine them and you can try various mix of these exercises and activities. Here we showed about some of the BEST CARDIO AND AEROBIC EXERCISES.
Stay Positive and Healthy
Exercise regularly
Have fun and health with all loved ones ????